How I Sustain My Daily Care

For a time, I did not always do my daily cystic fibrosis treatments. Over time, I've come to see them as a necessary part of my daily routine.

Nov. 23, 2020 | 3 min read
Megan Maurer

When I was young, I was pretty consistent with my treatments. My parents made them a positive experience, setting rewards after doing a set amount. Treatments became a special hour I got to spend one-on-one with my dad.

During my late teens I started culturing for MRSA. I went from hospitalizations every few years, to once every three months. Between those frequent stays, I really struggled with compliance. There were a million reasons why I didn't do treatments -- I thought they took too long, they were difficult and sometimes painful, and my mental health wasn't in a good place. I honestly didn't accept the reality of my health.

At the time, I didn't notice a difference when I missed a single treatment. However, these missed treatments added up.  Although I had decent lung function, treating my health this way was unsustainable.

In my mid-twenties I worked on my mental health. I started dating a partner who encouraged and supported me. After some frank conversations together, I realized I had to take better care of myself.

To keep up with my treatments, I stuck to a daily routine. I dedicated a space in my house just for doing them. I took a cue from my parents and made the time a positive experience. Over time, I looked at my treatments like brushing my teeth or taking a shower. It became just something I did every day.


There are still times I struggle. At the end of an exhausting day or before an early morning appointment -- even with plenty of motivation. The truth is nobody is perfect. Be gentle with yourself. I promise, as you become more compliant YOU WILL FEEL BETTER.

It can be hard to change from non-compliance to doing multiple treatments daily. If you struggle, find friends or family to keep you accountable. Look for ways to make your treatments more enjoyable, like watching a binge-worthy show, ONLY during your treatments. Work to make doing treatments a habit in your life.

Interested in sharing your story? The CF Community Blog wants to hear from you.

This site contains general information about cystic fibrosis, as well as personal insight from the CF community. Opinions and experiences shared by members of our community, including but not limited to people with CF and their families, belong solely to the blog post author and do not represent those of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, unless explicitly stated. In addition, the site is not intended as a substitute for treatment advice from a medical professional. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your treatment.

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Megan is an adult living with cystic fibrosis. She lives in Utah with her partner, Adam, and their two dogs. She loves being outdoors and, in her free time, likes to read. Megan volunteers at her local Cystic Fibrosis Foundation chapter and is a member of her CF care center's patient advisory board. You can find Megan on Instagram where she writes about life with chronic illness.

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