Kristen Brockman

Kristen Brockman
Sibling of an adult with CF

Kristen has been volunteering and fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation since 2008, and has served as the chair for the Los Angeles CF Climb since 2013. She is a television and digital host/producer who, after losing her sister, Kelsi, to CF in 2016, began her latest project, The Un-Bucket List: a travel blog where she will finish Kelsi's bucket list to raise awareness for CF. You can follow Kristen on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram @kristenbrockman and @theunbucketlist.

Blog Posts


When my sister passed away last year from cystic fibrosis, my family discovered that the computer with her list of requested arrangements had been wiped out. Little did I know, the damage control we did in the wake of this would take me on a very special journey.

Sept. 13, 2017| 5 min read