Kimberly Houston, MSN, BSN, CPNP-PC

Kimberly Houston, MSN, BSN, CPNP-PC
Mother of two children with CF
Kimberly Houston Headshot-Square

Kimberly is the mother of two girls, Kelsie and Mackenzie, who were born with cystic fibrosis. Kimberly holds a bachelor's and master's degree in nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She practices as a pediatric nurse practitioner in a private primary care setting, but is currently a stay-at-home mom while on extended maternity leave. She enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, outdoor adventure, photography, cooking and sports. Kimberly lives in Pittsboro, N.C., with her husband Nathan and their two daughters. Follow Kimberly on  CF Mom Diaries.

Blog Posts


As the mother of two girls with cystic fibrosis, the time-consuming routine can wear down on you and cause frustration. Although CF can be challenging, it's important that I keep my attitude toward the disease in check because I know it will ultimately shape how my kids approach their lives with CF.

Sept. 6, 2017| 5 min read

Protecting your children with CF, at all costs, sounds like a loving thing to do until you consider what it may cost them. To keep a balance between their health and healthy childhood development, my husband and I have learned that it takes a prudent approach with careful and creative decision making. 

Sept. 25, 2016| 5 min read