Hogan Reed

Hogan Reed
Young adult with CF

Hogan was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age three and has been smiling, laughing, and coughing her entire life. She is a strong believer in the benefits of optimism and loves spreading enthusiasm and positivity. Hogan grew up on the coast of Maine and recently graduated from the University of Vermont. She is the leader of her Great Strides team, “Hogan's Heroes,” and spends her springs fundraising for CF. Reach out to her on the Hogan's Heroes team Facebook page.

Blog Posts


Spending summers at sleep-away camp helped me become more responsible, and allowed me to see CF clearly and accept it.

| 5 min read

I have had two collapsed lungs in three years. Here's what I learned.  

| 4 min read

Although packing up and moving to college is not easy for anyone, it becomes more complicated for a person living with cystic fibrosis. Not only do we have to adjust to the unfamiliar ways of college life and be entirely in charge of our health, but the group of people we trust with our life changes as well.

| 4 min read