Hannah Buck

Hannah Buck
Adult with CF
BuckHannah - Picture

Hannah is a student with cystic fibrosis at the University of Michigan, where she majors in creative writing and minors in digital studies. When she isn't writing, she likes to walk dogs -- her dog, someone else's dog, it doesn't matter -- and cook vegan food. To see more from her, check out her blogYouTube channel, and Facebook page, or follow @AHealthyHan on Instagram and Twitter.

Blog Posts


I had to stop taking Orkambi® because my body couldn't handle it. I'm having a different -- better -- experience with Symdeko™.

July 20, 2018| 5 min read

Annoying though it may have been for me, my mom was determined to raise a daughter who was healthy despite CF. However, we would both soon realize that not every symptom is visible.

Sept. 28, 2015| 4 min read

Looking back at my freshman year, I realize that putting college before my CF wasn't the first thing I had all wrong. 

Aug. 12, 2015| 6 min read