#morethanCF: Time is on Your Side During Airway Clearance

We asked -- and hundreds of you answered -- how you pass the time during long treatments. Check out what the CF community told us when we asked what makes you #morethanCF.

April 28, 0216 | 2 min read
Emily Dulcan

The CF community is united in its search for a cure, but beyond that singularity, you are a group of unique individuals whose lives comprise so much more than a regimen of treatmentsclinic visits and vitals. That's why we came up with #morethanCF, as a way for all of you who are connecting online through the Foundation's social media channels to share the bits of your daily lives that never make it onto a clinic file or hospital chart. 

The first questions we asked had to do with airway clearance techniques (ACTs). On average, a person with CF spends two hours per day clearing her airways in some fashion -- and a lot of you spend more time than that. These daily hours spent clearing your airways represent a big chunk of your life, and, if you're like me, you're probably a competent multi-tasker. So we wanted to know, what else do you do during this time?

It will come as no surprise that a lot of you spend time online: watching Netflix or YouTube, playing games, connecting with others on social media, reading news or just surfing. A number of you use treatment time as family time, when you play games, craft or just sit and talk with each other about life and dreams. Most surprising to me was that a couple of people told us they fall asleep when they're using their vest. I wish I had the power to catch some shut-eye in the midst of disruption like those folks!     

Today we're sharing two infographics that summarize the nearly 650 responses we got to the question, “How do you pass the time during ACTs?” Check out the chart below for the full breakdown, and then take a look at the graphic. It has some of our favorite stats and comments about what you do during ACTs, and how you choose to supplement your ACTs.


This site contains general information about cystic fibrosis, as well as personal insight from the CF community. Opinions and experiences shared by members of our community, including but not limited to people with CF and their families, belong solely to the blog post author and do not represent those of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, unless explicitly stated. In addition, the site is not intended as a substitute for treatment advice from a medical professional. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your treatment.

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Emily is the online community events lead at the CF Foundation. She comes to the Foundation after serving for three years as digital director at the Peace Corps. Emily has worked as a digital strategist for nonprofits, agencies and political campaigns, including three years with Organizing for America. In 2006, Emily earned a master's degree in cross-cultural journalism from the Missouri School of Journalism. She loves traveling, reading, exercising, cooking and eating well.

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